Re: POP Topics

Find our hot takes on our favorite products, pop-culture, and more! (Keep an eye out for secrets)
We want to celebrate your Birthday!

We want to celebrate your Birthday!

Join us on the first Thursday of your birth month for our First Thursday Birthday Parties! Birthday folks will get 15% off their entire purchase and a bonus gift! Birthdays are better with a friend, so bring a pal and they'll also get that 15% discount! Refreshments...

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Towel Day

Towel Day

Towel Day is celebrated every year on 25 May as a tribute to the author Douglas Adams and Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy. According to Adams; a towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. We are celebrating Towel Day with FREE...

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Let’s Get Spooky

Welcome, guys and ghouls, to the Spooky Month! October is a fan favorite around here. The leaves change, the drinks warm up and get spiced, the skeletons rise from their graves, the fashion gets better, it's just a magical time of the year! To celebrate, I've compiled...

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E.T. 40th Anniversary: New In-Store Prop!

Forty years after he first got left behind on Earth, E.T. has finally flown into Re-POP! A little upgrade from our full-body E.T. figure, we now have a scaled down version perched in a basket and flying overhead! Whether he has a special place in your heart,...

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Carry Your Fandoms Proudly: Ita Bags

Show off your fandoms on your sleeves, hats, lanyards, bags, and so much more with some of our most popular accessories! Over the next few weeks, tune in to see just what we have to offer to maximize your nerdy outfits! To start us off, a very popular item overseas in...

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It’s Our Birthday!

Seven years ago this week, our little shop of wonders was born! From our old shop on State and 31st, to our current location on 10th, we've strived to give the public an eclectic collection of nerdy and unique goods. If the past seven years have anything to show, I'd...

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Fathers’ Day 2022

Hello there! If you're reading this, you most likely have a father, are a father, or know a father. If you fit that criteria, I bet you know one or two awfully wonderful dad jokes, don't you? Of course you do! This year, we were trying to figure out how to make...

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